The technology behind the EESystem

Dr. Sandra Rose Michael developed the Energy Enhancement System (EES) in the United States over two decades ago. She uses specially adapted computers to create scalar waves. These waves, together with special screens, generate biophotons and promote the formation of a healthy divine torsion field in the space around you, with a potential between 70-90 mV. The torsion field is comparable to the ideal millivoltage of a healthy body, which is also between 70 and 90 mV. Within this field, the body seeks to resonate with the healthy energy created by the EESystem to promote healing and relaxation.

Positive impact on your symptoms

The method has since been recognised worldwide and is used in various practices.

This advanced system has a positive impact on relieving symptoms such as fatigue, chronic pain, stress and anxiety. In addition, the EESystem offers opportunities for personal growth and inner harmony. We at Being Well strongly believe in its numerous physical and emotional benefits and have already seen great results in our practice.

Being Well energy enhancement system
Bioactive energy fields promote health
Bioactive energy fields promote health
How it works benefits ees Being Well

How exactly does EES work?

EES falls under alternative and holistic medicine and works based on quantum technology.

A room is equipped with the EES system and strategically placed screens generate scalar waves that perfectly resonate with the natural energy patterns in our body. These waves act as information carriers and have a significant positive impact on our health. The screens in the room generate biophotons, particles of light naturally produced by our bodies. These biophotons activate bioactive energy fields and improve overall energy flow in the body.

Being Well improve health
Healing center Being Well

The benefits of EES

The fusion of scalar waves and biophotons creates a beneficial and balanced atmosphere in the space around you. The ultimate result? A deep state of relaxation during which your body and mind have the opportunity to regenerate and re-energise. Your body will naturally try to resonate within this healthy environment, meaning it will adapt to the energy field. This adjustment process can lead to significant improvements in your overall health and well-being.

The Energy Enhancement System offers significant benefits for consciousness expansion and personal growth. Besides facilitating spiritual development and self-development, it plays a key role in the approach to conscious living. The EESystem acts as a gateway to deeper self-realisation and promotes inner harmony. It also provides benefits such as reducing pain, promoting better sleep, increasing physical and mental energy, and boosting an overall sense of well-being. While the effects of the EESystem may vary on an individual basis, it offers the opportunity to embrace a holistic approach to well-being and promotes inner growth. We invite you to come and experience the benefits for yourself!